Truck Tracks Ruhr
Tour of Seven Tracks
The Compilation
Video exhibition
Videos: Ulrike Franke, Michael Loeken
Concept: Rimini Protokoll (Aljoscha Begrich, Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi und Jörg Karrenbauer)
At the centre of TRUCK TRACKS RUHR is a truck that transforms the visitor’s view of the Ruhr region. The truck has been converted into a mobile auditorium with a huge window on one side that frames the view outside. 49 artists set 49 places to music. In „The Compilation“, the 49 tracks are brought together, detached from place and time, to form a video installation. The space becomes the visual-acoustic centre of a year-long project, spread over seven cities.
2017 — ALBUM / Tour / Ruhrtriennale / Oberhausen, Recklinghausen, Duisburg, Dortmund, Mülheim, Bochum, Essen (Germany)
2017 — The Compilation / audio-visuelle Installation / Kohlenmischanlage Zollverein / Essen, Germany
in context of
2017 — Urbane Künste Ruhr zur Rolle der Kunst in der Neudefinition von Stadt, Jahrhunderthalle Bochum (Germany)

After a year of motorways, pedestrian zones and country roads in the Ruhr region, after a year of snow, sun and rain, the truck will leave its final station. 49 impressions are stored in its black box, 49 tracks. Not reproducible but replayable – in the compilation.
Each of the seven screens shows one of the seven cities in the Ruhr region: Oberhausen, Recklinghausen, Duisburg, Dortmund, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Bochum and Essen: Each city an album, each album a screen. The result is a panopticon. Visitors to the installation use headphones to listen to the audio on the album of the city of their choice.
The installation relates each artistic audio track to its location in a new cinematic way, developing a new visual language in the form of an individual new video. Sound and film are united in a new way. The rhythm and editing are coordinated with the sequencing in the videos. A caption announces the location and artist within each video. This is followed by an approximately 1-minute-long wide shot of the location, which, due to the shape of the window in the truck, is reminiscent of the experience of being inside the truck itself during the tour. From here, the viewer’s gaze is directed to details in the landscape, deeper into the image. As a connecting element between the seven screens, all video tracks are synchronised and end with a 90-second tracking shot. During this section, a piece of music composed by Frank Böhle can be heard from outside the headphones. Then the image splits again and the next videos become both visible and audible.
The video installation brings together multiple, superimposed perceptions, narratives and perspectives of the Ruhr region in a unique new way. Times and locations that were previously separate are condensed into one space and made palpable. Artistic-medial overlappings and kaleidoscope-like fragments of reality are exposed to the process of constant re-description and are allowed to continue unheeded. The video installation makes a very complex landscape tangible, a landscape that is subject to huge structural upheavals. In doing so, the main focus is not on the special or the spectacular, but on the everyday, which comprises the majority of reality.
In a formal-aesthetic way, the visitor experiences the installation in the rigid setting of the screens and the sequence in which each video is played. But at the same time, they are also able to switch between the screens and videos at any time and in doing so choose their own view and perception of realities in the Ruhr region. The visitors find themselves in an audiovisual landscape that is a subjective artistic impression of the Ruhr region, developed by Rimini Protokoll and loekenfranke together with the 49 artistic positions, the composer Frank Böhle and the visitors themselves. The artistic experiment TRUCK TRACKS RUHR becomes the overall composition: „TRUCK TRACKS RUHR – THE COMPILATION”.
The work BLICKE INS RUHRGEBIET (Views of the Ruhr) by loekenfranke, which portrays people’s faces, is shown on two separate screens: Young scientists at their workplace, schoolchildren in a museum, animal keepers in the zoo, surgeons in front of the operating theatre, female soldiers on the motorway… People who have been lured out of their everyday lives by the filmmakers for a minute and look into the camera – just like the viewers do from the truck.
Truck Tracks Ruhr
Tour of Seven Tracks
Video exhibition
Concept: Rimini Protokoll (Aljoscha Begrich, Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi und Jörg Karrenbauer)
Videos: Michael Loeken, Ulrike Franke
Music: Frank Böhle
Production: Urbane Künste Ruhr
Co-Produktion with: Theater Oberhausen, Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen, Ruhrtriennale, Schauspiel Dortmund, Ringlokschuppen Ruhr,
Schauspielhaus Bochum, PACT Zollverein
Cooperation with: Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Ludwiggalerie Schloss Oberhausen, Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, Lehmbruck Museum, u.a.